Matlab if else - Do this with logical indexing.

Another way to write this equation in the Simscape. . Matlab if else

Select a Web Site. En caso contrario, la expresión es falsa. Loops of simple if-else statements can be avoided through vectorisation, providing a performance boost. それ以外の場合は、false です。. == can be used for strings only if they are the same length. Loops and Conditional Statements. The following example illustrates this. Suppose L(x) is true and g(x) is very expressive to compute or has side-effects (admittedly rare for matlab code), g(x) will still be called. I am trying to write an "if" statement between 2 values. Create a numeric variable and determine if its data type is double. Unlike C's conditional expression, this will of course always evaluate both true_expr and false_expr, and if cond happens not to be either 0 or 1 (note: false behaves like 0; true behaves like 1) you'll get crazy results. The If block, along with If Action subsystems containing Action Port blocks, implements standard C-like if-else logic. It may be possible but it must be very tricky. The left side of the above assignment refers to all the positions in a where a>5 has a 1. A = complex (12) A = 12. Dec 24, 2014 · MATLAB doesn't have conditional expressions, but in some situations you can get a similar effect by saying, e. Otherwise, the expression is false. if FreqSec (1,r+1) > FreqSec (r)*1. if greater than matlab. If Y {i} satisfies a condition, I want to transform X {i} into some X' {i}, otherwise leave X {i} unchanged. , var = cond*true_expr + (1-cond)*false_expr. If you want to break after the first If ends then you won't be in the If to place your break/continue. The elseif and else blocks are optional. eva = evalclusters (meas, @myfunc, 'CalinskiHarabasz', 'klist', [1:6]) function myfunc. An expression is true when its result is nonempty and contains only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric). ans = 0 <= x | 0 <= y. for k = 1:4 if ~A disp('IF block'). Y = 7. Learn more about if function. However when I'm using fplot(@myfun,[0 20]), I notice that when u is between 1. If you specify the type as file, MATLAB® searches for both files and folders, therefore returning the same result. Based on your location, we recommend that you select:. Categories MATLAB Language Fundamentals Data Types Structures. Find the syntax,. Since cat1 does not have a dimension of length zero, it is not empty. The else clause doesn't take a conditional expression, so in order to use it we need to make sure that all integers are handled before we get there. Where TRI is a 32x2 vector, I want to check if a certain row in TRI contains a 28 or 31, if so do some operation. It is a conditional programming keyword used to give conditions to the program on Matlab. For example, if name exists in a restricted folder to which MATLAB ® does not have access, exist returns 0. Mar 13, 2018 · You don't need to use if statements necessarily to do the piecewise and could just use logical indexing. This function returns a logical array with elements set to logical 1 (true) where A is greater than or equal to B; otherwise, it returns logical 0 (false). if expression, statements, end evaluates an expression , and executes a group of statements when the expression is true. ternary = @ (varargin) varargin {end - varargin {1}}; ternary (true,'yes','no') % If the first argument is true, the result becomes 'yes'. The elseif and else blocks are optional. An expression is true when its result is nonempty and contains only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric). The reason is, that I need to specify something clearly with an else. To test for inequality, use if, elseif. And if you were able to place one there then why not just delete the second if since it would never execute. Description. and I have been working on it for some time but cannot figure it out. See the syntax, examples and live demo of this statement. The elseif and else blocks are optional. rewrite the following code segment containing an if-elseif using a switch-case structure instead of the if-elseif. true is shorthand for the logical value 1. Learn more about plot, if, if statement, help plot if MATLAB % Hi I am really stuck and would very much appreciate help! % I want to make a graph that looks like this: % Here is my code: x = linspace(-5,5,50); if. In Octave you can't use if/else statements in an inline or anonymous function in the normal way. function out=ifelse (condition,answer1,answer2) if condition. EDU>> % 5는 4가 아니기. So you can just multiply your desired result for true ( r in this case) by your condition ( a > b ), and add that to the product of your desired result for false (i. Regardless, given the approach you have followed, if x is equal to 'A', then the second half of the clause will be true, even though the first part of the clause is false. MATLAB if else语句可以根据表达式的结果执行不同的语句,例如创建一个由 1 组成的矩阵,比较数组,测试字符向量等。本页面介绍了 if else语句的语法、说明、示例和扩展功. If the input is positive, as specified by the if condition, then the If Action Subsystem Abs is activated, which outputs the absolute value of the sine wave input signal. This technique is useful if you temporarily turn off some warnings and later reinstate the original settings. Show -1 older comments Hide -1 older comments. An expression is true when its result is nonempty and contains only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric). See examples, syntax and options for each type of conditional statement. The software selects u1 if u2 is TRUE, otherwise u2 passes. i have 2 editBox and user need to enter 2 value on those box. I am having trouble getting the proper code for this in matlab though. Proper use of syntax. function out=ifelse (condition,answer1,answer2) if condition. Output: z=2. The operator can only be used between. This function returns a logical array with elements set to logical 1 (true) where A is greater than or equal to B; otherwise, it returns logical 0 (false). The basic syntax for the elseif statement in MATLAB is: if condition1. end 块中前面的表达式为. Hello, I have the following problem: * Assume a dataset [3000,1] * We construct a variable ‘signal’, which will have the same size of our dataset. An 'If' subsystem models the clutch dynamics in the locked position while an 'Else' subsystem models the unlocked position. elseif condition2. T = true (n) is an n -by- n matrix of logical ones. Use A to write an if/else code block. else 역시 뜻 그대로 입니다. To use the assert function to specify properties of primary function inputs or set preconditions on primary function inputs, see Rules for Using assert Function (MATLAB Coder). A user asks how to write an if, elseif, else statement in MATLAB using Theme Copy function. The limit for that is calling flintmax in MATLAB, but now I am digressing too far. Notice in this if/else statement, what we have is someone is creating a val equal to 3 variable, and then checking with a bunch of if/elses to find. The workaround is similar to what Adam has mentioned, is that you can create a regular function and pass the function handle in. C for score < 80 and >=70. 6 which souldn't be happening!!!. Which will subtract from the previous non-zero element if there were any. if, else, elseif. out=answer2; end. result = 1; end. Use strcmp () or isequal () or strcmpi (). – else. Use the complex function to create a scalar, A, with zero-valued imaginary part. 0 Comments. Learn how to use if, elseif, and else statements to execute statements if a condition is true or false in MATLAB. For more information, see Array Comparison with Relational Operators. The code should not contain any ifs and should employ minimum number of disp commands. Learn how to use if. The first line tests if x is real, then if it is, goes on to see if dividing it by 1 leaves a remainder. If-else statements in MATLAB are foundational for implementing conditional logic, crucial in various programming scenarios and data analysis. I find if-statements with one line of code in each condition annoyingly long for the task they perform. The elseif and else blocks are optional. However, syntax varies from language to language. mlx, or. Conditional Statements. Yes, it will check the first condition fist, and then if it is false, it will check the following conditions. Another way to write this equation in the Simscape. A critical difference between the first and the second pieces of code is the fact that in the second one, both answer1 and answer 2 need to be computed/evaluated before passing them to the ifelse function. The test compares only the real part of numeric arrays. The otherwise block is optional and executes only when no case is true. Learn how to use if-else, if-else-end, nested if-else, switch case and switch case with examples in MATLAB. y = zeros (size (x)) % this creates the y vector to be same size. plotting a graph after for and if else if. How to write an "if statement" while the variable within the "if statement" can be any integer within a range between 1 and 1000. NL >= 1 with NL non-scalar is going to evaluate to a logical matrix the same sizes as NL. 此 MATLAB 函数 计算表达式并在表达式为 true 时执行一组语句。表达式的结果非空并且仅包含非零元素(逻辑值或实数值)时,该表达式为 true。. If no row qualifies, an empty cell is returned. それ以外の場合は、false です。. Learn how to use if, elseif, and else statements to execute statements if a condition is true or false in MATLAB. For your example this would look a little like: x = -5:5. end son falsas. if, else, elseif. If the input is positive, as specified by the if condition, then the If Action Subsystem Abs is activated, which outputs the absolute value of the sine wave input signal. When you compare two char arrays using ==, the resulting logical array is the same size as the char arrays (or the size of the non-scalar, if one is scalar, or the compatible size if you're using a release that supports implicit expansion and they are. Here, you could get rid of the nesting if you liked by using statements like elseif x >=3 && x <= 6 && mod (x,1. % Or if rem (i, 10) == 0. count of times if condition is met. % Basic if statement example if x > 0 disp('x is positive'); end. The statements execute only if previous expressions in the if. The else clause doesn't take a conditional expression, so in order to use it we need to make sure that all integers are handled before we get there. The elseif statement is used when you want to test multiple conditions and perform different actions depending on which condition is true. % This variable did not exist before the if-statement. Do this with logical indexing. Thanks for the quick reply, maybe the break statement is not my problem. See Also. The Basic Syntax of an if statement in Matlab is straightforward. 随时随地阅读更多技术实战干货,获取项目源码、学习资料,请关注源代码社区公众号(ydmsq666 有条件性地执行语句 语法 if expression statements end 描述 MATLAB计算表达式,如果产生一个逻辑真或者非零结果,然后就执行一条或者多条MATLAB命令语句。. if expression statements end ; Description. (The ‘&&’ operator will only evaluate the second part of the statement if the first part is true. MATLAB has an elseif clause which shortens nested if-else if cond1 action1 elseif cond2 action2 elseif cond3 % cond1 and cond2 False, cond3 True action3 else % if no other conditions met default_action end 7. The second of these, , is the short-circuiting OR that does not bother to evaluate the second expression if it already knows the final result after the first operation. The expression is usually the result of. The test compares only the real part of numeric arrays. | and & take array inputs and short-circuit only in if/while statements. if expression, statements, end evaluates an expression , and executes a group of statements when the expression is true. The following example script calculates specific gravity from a user defined mass and volume. 1 6. If you change it around, you would get errors, because Matlab doesn't use then as a key word. Can anyone help me with this. for r = 1 :nrows. (You have not told MATLAB to stop, or otherwise limited that. The syntax of an if. Learn more about else/if statement, fibonacci. Thanks 1 Comment. 3 and 0. ans = 0 <= x | 0 <= y. Otherwise, the element is set to 0. Undefined function or variable 'Air'. if expression, statements, end は、 式 を評価し、式が真 (true) であるときに一連のステートメントを実行します。. Conditional Statements. These conditional statements work as same as in other languages. if expression, statements, end evaluates an expression , and executes a group of statements when the expression is true. Find the syntax,. Here we will define an executable file that contains an if statement. elseif is a function that conditionally executes statements based on the values of two expressions. The following are the conditional statements that we can use in MATLAB. ans = 1x4 logical array 0 0 1 1. Learn more about if function. The statements execute only if previous expressions in the if. More complex. The limit for that is calling flintmax in MATLAB, but now I am digressing too far. Use an if, elseif statement to determine the user’s equivalent letter grade; A for score >=90. Los bloques elseif y else son opcionales. Sign in to answer this question. int j=i&1; [0101&1]//. But unitFrom and unitTo must be part of the function. if x (:,3)>x (:,4) doesn't really work, if expects either true or false not a vector. MATLAB Graphics 2-D and 3-D Plots Discrete Data Plots. An 'If' subsystem models the clutch dynamics in the locked position while an 'Else' subsystem models the unlocked position. Yeah, that's right. My code is like this k=1; m=1; for i=1:length(a) if a(i)==b possition. I find if-statements with one line of code in each condition annoyingly long for the task they perform. y = 440;. I hope that clears your doubt. It has three parts if statement, else statement and else if statement if-else statement in Matlab. com) I. 避免在 elseif 关键字 (else if) 内于 else 之后添加空格。. So again we start our program with an input and evaluate that input with a logical expression and if true statement group 1 is evaluated and the program ends. && and || take scalar inputs and short-circuit always. Open example model ex_if_else_SL. Learn more about if statement, loops MATLAB Hi all, im trying to write a script that has a while loop with conditional statements. Learn more about matlab plotting graph elseif for i have a project to write a script to give the height a cam pushes up a follower from the angle of the cam and then plot the graph of angle versus height. % Elapsed time is 0. Before we jump into MATLAB Programming, let’s take a look at the structure of the if statement. If I skip the last else everything works correctly but if I run everything, including the last else sentence, elseif N==L(i) and elseif N==R(i) does not work. Each choice is a case. The workaround is similar to what Adam has mentioned, is that you can create a regular function and pass the function handle in. Los bloques elseif y else son opcionales. Use an if, elseif statement to determine the user’s equivalent letter grade; A for score >=90. 831261 seconds. for k = 1:4 if ~A disp('IF block'). Everything I try ends in "eq error". >> x = 3; if x<1 x=5 elseif x==1 x=6 elseif x>1 x=8 end x = 8. Sign in to comment. Una expresión es verdadera cuando su resultado no está vacío y solo contiene elementos distintos a cero (lógicos o numéricos reales). The reason is, that I need to specify something clearly with an else. how to write If-else statement in GUI Matlab? Follow 19 views (last 30 days). I want a situation whereby if the first 'if' statement is true (norm_sn <= del), the code should calculate x_plus and exit the if condition (jump to calculate f_x), or if the 'if' statement is false and the 'elseif' statement is true (del <= norm_s_cp), the code should calculate x_plus and exit the if statements (jump to calculate f_x). Select a Web Site. The simplest conditional statement is an if statement. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. 否则,表达式为 false。. 라는 m-file을 만들었다고 합시다. MATLAB Answers. The fact that Matlab lacks a proper lazy if ternary operator, and the fact that you need to pollute your workspace with extra files to obtain one, has been a long-standing point of irritation. Implement a C-like if-else control flow statement in Simulink. When a case is true, MATLAB executes the corresponding statements and then exits the switch block. matlab; if-statement; vectorization; Share. The test compares only the real part of numeric arrays. Answers (1) Keerthana Chivukula on 4 Nov 2016. to check both conditions. For example, preallocate a 10-element vector, and calculate five values: x = ones (1,10); for n = 2. So it did exactly as we need it to do, operating on each element of M separately. The following example illustrates this. The syntax of an if. Some problems require information about the locations of the array elements that meet a condition rather than their actual values. Otherwise, the expression is false. Your corrected code is closer, using a logical scalar as the if expression, but you may be missing a couple cases. In the beggining, i thought it's quite straight forward. Understand the purpose of count variables. Ok bear with me. Answers (1) I guess, that Matlab does exactly what it is expected to do. Show -2 older comments Hide -2 older comments. Help with cell if statement. The if statement evaluates a logical expression and executes a group of statements when the expression is true. else z=2; end. I have a very simple question. But sometimes that matrix is full with nan's. So I've provided both options to show you the difference in the amount of code and the execution time. if a > b. I want to set C to the value of A or B that is larger. function [z_bar]=fnZbar (height) if length (height)==even. if expression, statements, end evalúa una expresión y ejecuta un grupo de instrucciones cuando la expresión es verdadera. Since R2023a. if NL >= 1. Otherwise, the expression is false. Implement a C-like if-else control flow statement in Simulink. Simulink Tutorial - 19 - If Else if Else Using State flow | Using Chart |. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. The only way to avoid this (and that's why it's the best,. Determine equality. The elseif statement is used when you want to test multiple conditions and perform different actions depending on which condition is true. Your corrected code is closer, using a logical scalar as the if expression, but you may be missing a couple cases. This means that "not equal to" will be represented by "~=" in MATLAB. I want a situation whereby if the first 'if' statement is true (norm_sn <= del), the code should calculate x_plus and exit the if condition (jump to calculate f_x), or if the 'if' statement is false and the 'elseif' statement is true (del <= norm_s_cp), the code should calculate x_plus and exit the if statements (jump to calculate f_x). In MATLAB, if/elseif chains are often able to optimize groups of cases by using extended logical conditions with && and &vert;&vert; operators; it is difficult to do that kind of optimization using switch. @Loren's answer below is correct. if any number is odd it must have right most bit 1. The If-Else construct requires decision logic to control the execution of algorithm contained within the expression. I = find (A < 9) I = 8×1 3 6 7 11 14 16 17 22. This function fully supports thread-based environments. if all (M (:)) && ismatrix (M) This is easier to. Determine whether A is real. The 's' at the end tells MATLAB it's a string, so now you can input low as an answer. else if, with a space between the else and the if, differs from elseif. Conditional Statements - MATLAB. Using AND Operator in “if” statements. MATLAB supports the multiple branching if statements which use the structure if – elseif – elseif-. Answers (3) If you attempt to compare two strings using == and the strings are not the same length, then you will get errors. Open example model ex_if_else_SL. First of all, you cannot add a complex if statement in an anonymous function. Description. Switch statement cannot judge the range of R. Los bloques elseif y else son opcionales. If elseif else end function. % Using if statements if x>5 y = x; elseif x<5 y = x^2; else y = 10; end disp (y) % Using ifs and nonzero. See examples, syntax and. if expression, statements, end evaluates an expression , and executes a group of statements when the expression is true. ex army ambulance for sale australia gumtree, underwater minecraft temple

T = true (n) is an n -by- n matrix of logical ones. . Matlab if else

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le returns logical 0 ( false) where A or B have NaN or undefined categorical elements. Create the folder myfolder, and then check its existence as a folder. 일부 다른 루프에서의 otherwise랑 비슷하게 사용됩니다. Here, you could get rid of the nesting if you liked by using statements like elseif x >=3 && x <= 6 && mod (x,1. function result = myfunc (x) if x > 3. 5 and 0. B for score < 90 and >=80. – else. If elseif else end function. The idea is to create a cell arrays of functions, each function gives you the condition you wanted to put inside the if, and you test each function and see which one gives your true. if语句可以有零到多个elseif语句,并且它们必须出现在else之前。 一旦一个else if成功,剩下的elseif语句和else语句都不会被测试。. Another way to write this equation in the Simscape. The elseif and else blocks are optional. NL >= 1 with NL non-scalar is going to evaluate to a logical matrix the same sizes as NL. Some problems require information about the locations of the array elements that meet a condition rather than their actual values. 표현식은 결과가 비어 있지 않고 0이 아닌 요소 (논리형 또는 실수 숫자형)만 포함하는 경우에 true입니다. The optional elseif and else provide for the. I try to write the statement that condition 1 : Test(i-1) or Test(i-2) =0, condition 2: Test(i+1) or Test(i+2) =0, when condition 1 and condition 2 are true then the statement is true. else % continue. I suggest looking at the answer in this link. I came up with an alternative that works with most circumstances, and I was wondering if people think the following is acceptable code. To test for inequality, use if, elseif. for i = 1:size (Practices, 1) if Practices (i) == 0 blank {i,1} = 0; else if prevNonZero ~= 0 blank {i,1} = prevNonZero - Practices (i); else blank {i,1} = Practices (i); end prevNonZero = Practices (i); end end. When nesting ifs, each if must be paired with a matching end. if a > b. in matlab the corresponding case is executed and the code continues behind the block, in other languages the switch block is exited only if there is a break at the end of the case, otherwise other. ans = 'yes'. end block are false. I posted my code below. is a number in a given set), you have a few options. First, I walk through the programming l. An expression is true when its result is nonempty and contains only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric). This is a really bad practice and it is allowed by Matlab without a warning. Plot unit step using if else conditions. This example uses Simulink. Use a try/catch statement to execute code after. For example:. Tags if function; Community Treasure Hunt. 否则,表达式为 false。. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions in Thread-Based Environment. P_actual = P;. if statements can include alternate. Search Answers Clear Filters. Hello, I have the following problem: * Assume a dataset [3000,1] * We construct a variable ‘signal’, which will have the same size of our dataset. The else if statement is also known as elseif statement. if a > b. xn) and I want to compare xp with the values of the vector x. MATLAB if-else. In other words, I am providing the temperature, the unitFrom and the unitTo. Description. I am trying to construct a matrix in matlab using if, elseif and else but it does not work for me. Based on your location, we recommend that you select:. Otherwise, the expression is false. Certain MATLAB functions and operators return logical values to indicate fulfillment of a condition. First of all, you cannot add a complex if statement in an anonymous function. eva = evalclusters (meas, @myfunc, 'CalinskiHarabasz', 'klist', [1:6]) function myfunc. In MATLAB, if/elseif chains are often able to optimize groups of cases by using extended logical conditions with && and &vert;&vert; operators; it is difficult to do that kind of optimization using switch. Switch statement cannot judge the range of R. if all (M (:)) && ismatrix (M) This is easier to. Conditionally Executed Subsystems and Merge. The second way is: if expression do something else if expression do something else do something end end. I am trying to set create a function that will convert a temperature from unit to another. if expression, statements, end evalúa una expresión y ejecuta un grupo de instrucciones cuando la expresión es verdadera. Otherwise, the expression is false. if sum( abs( f1(:) - f2(:))) == 0. So I've provided both options to show you the difference in the amount of code and the execution time. switch case. Suppose I have two cell arrays X and Y. T = true (sz) is an array of logical ones where the size vector, sz , defines size (T). Die Anweisungen werden nur ausgeführt, wenn die vorherigen Ausdrücke im Block if. Jan 2, 2019 · But sometimes that matrix is full with nan's. i think in matlab there is no difference between switch and many if/elseif statements. The idea is to create a cell arrays of functions, each function gives you the condition you wanted to put inside the if, and you test each function and see which one gives your true. % Elapsed time is 0. For a more general case (i. To test for inequality, use if, elseif. It has three parts if statement, else statement and else if statement if-else statement in Matlab. The first of these is more general. A critical difference between the first and the second pieces of code is the fact that in the second one, both answer1 and answer 2 need to be computed/evaluated before passing them to the ifelse function. % Elapsed time is 0. b = 3*a (i); % b = 3* the "ith" part of a. Oct 15, 2018 · In this video, I introduce you to the conditional statements if, else, and elseif and how to implement them in MATLAB. Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. If the first expression or condition is true then ‘ if ’ statement executes. The test compares only the real part of numeric arrays. if NL >= 1. Jul 25, 2013 · end. Your question is extremely vague so I'm going to pretend you only asked about one of the ifs:. if xp is 1 or below 1, i have to select row 1 or matrix; if xp is in between any. rewrite the following code segment containing an if-elseif using a switch-case structure instead of the if-elseif. A = table ( [0;2], [0;4],VariableNames= [ "V1", "V2" ],RowNames= [ "R1", "R2" ]) A= 2×2. If h (a)*h (b)>0 is false, Matlab enters the else branch. Accepted Answer: Walter Roberson Hello everyone, I have a very simple question. Equality of Two Vectors. For example:. The basic syntax for the elseif statement in MATLAB is: if condition1. Modelling if-else-end statements Updated: October 17, 2017 YALMIP supports complex models by overloading most standard operators in MATLAB. When I choose 'b' in the dropmenu and the. Search Answers Clear Filters. A = 3. MATLAB Language Fundamentals Loops and Conditional Statements. I wrote the following code in my program. I find if-statements with one line of code in each condition annoyingly long for the task they perform. I'm going to write something more complex for the z_bar later on but this is the just of the function. Las instrucciones se ejecutan solo si las expresiones anteriores del bloque if. if expression, statements, end evaluates an expression , and executes a group of statements when the expression is true. syms x y xy = x>=0 | y>=0; Set the assumption represented by the condition using assume. if none of the first two. In this chapter, we will create a model and apply if-else logic to it. Stephen23 on 10 Jul 2020. , var = cond*true_expr + (1-cond)*false_expr. z = x + 1i*y returns a complex array, z. count of times if condition is met. Note: I renamed the variables a bit, but it does not matter. Conditional IF/ELSE Statement in Matlab. 5 and 0. Toggle Sub Navigation. The second of these, , is the short-circuiting OR that does not bother to evaluate the second expression if it already knows the final result after the first operation. ternary = @ (varargin) varargin {end - varargin {1}}; ternary (true,'yes','no') % If the first argument is true, the result becomes 'yes'. In Example 3, x and y values are assigned as 5 and 3. An expression is true when its result is nonempty and contains only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric). For a more general case (i. end block are false. le returns logical 0 ( false) where A or B have NaN or undefined categorical elements. is a number in a given set), you have a few options. You can use those logical values to index into an array or execute conditional code. Create an array of 32-bit integers and determine if its data type is int32. MATLAB Language Fundamentals Loops and Conditional Statements. In this video, I introduce you to the conditional statements if, else, and elseif and how to implement them in MATLAB. if strcmp (fit, 'low')==1. Las instrucciones se ejecutan solo si las expresiones anteriores del bloque if. out = rand * (Q (whichrange+1) - Q (whichrange)) + Q. Otherwise, the expression is false. This is my program : um=input('um(Between 0 and 1. The above code checks to see what range x falls in, then enters an if/else statement that determines whether it is evenly divisible by one. The elseif statement is used when you want to test multiple conditions and perform different actions depending on which condition is true. . chase bank houes